- There is no classification
- Contact:李先生
- Phone:0592-5779302
- fax:0592-5779302
Company Name: |
Xiamen Chutian Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. |
Company type: |
企业单位 (服务商) |
area: |
Fujian/Xiamen City |
Company Size: |
1-49人 |
Registered capital: |
7000000人民币 |
Registration year: |
2014 |
Data certification: |
security deposit: |
Already paid ¥0.00 元 |
Business model: |
服务商 |
Business Scope: |
The main printed materials include: leaflets, albums, books and magazines, envelopes, handbags, hardcovers, desk calendars and various color box packaging. We also provide customers with graphic design business. If the customer needs it, you only need to provide manuscripts, pictures, company According to the theme policy, we can design exquisite albums, packaging boxes, etc. for you. We produce and design a variety of exquisite, reliable, and reasonably priced printed matter for government agencies, domestic and foreign enterprises and institutions; and provide high-quality services to achieve one-stop services such as planning, design, plate making, printing, and binding, which are well received by customers. Good reviews and very high visibility. |
Sales Products: |
厦门画册印刷设计,厦门手提袋印刷设计,厦门杂志期刊印刷,厦门精装本台历挂历印刷设计,各类不干胶吊卡印刷/制作 |
Procurement products: |
厦门画册印刷设计,厦门手提袋印刷设计,厦门杂志期刊印刷,厦门精装本台历挂历印刷设计,各类不干胶吊卡印刷/制作 |
major business: |